Sunday, April 01, 2007



一 ◎是 回忆 的◎ 忆 二 ◎是 相爱 的◎ 爱

三 ◎是 散落 的◎ 散 四 ◎是 祭祀 的◎ 祀

五 ◎是 起舞 的◎ 舞 六 ◎是 留下 的◎ 留

七 ◎是 祈祷 的◎ 祈 八 ◎是 离别 的◎ 别

九 ◎是 久远 的◎ 久 十 ◎是 侵蚀 的◎ 蚀

一 〓 忆 一路上太多的过往,两步一回头,还是走到了这里。


二 〓 爱 纠缠,繁绕,碎裂。惨烈既是美好,痛所以才快乐。

三 〓 散 像高高在上的天神,挥挥衣袖,带走一世的约定。你,我,他,散落天涯。 那些飘散风中的友情,和爱情。

四 〓 祀 用最虔诚的心灵,仰望高远,世界上的天空,是不是都一样?

五 〓 舞 在人生这个大舞台,我们用尽全力,舞舞舞~

六 〓 留 不留。是毫无保留,还是一点都不留下?

七 〓 祈 一页一页,撕下;一天一天,过去;一点一滴,一生一世。

八 〓 别 别说我们只是路过而已,别用你冷默来回应我的沉默,别到最后用祝福当告别.

九 〓 久 也许,真的只有在很久以后,有些事情我们才会明白,有些人我们也才会了解。 时间都已经等到等不及,你却还是落尽尘埃的静静微笑.


十 〓 蚀 我编织了一个梦,不是黑色。




Wednesday, March 07, 2007


突然想起,我返中国个时,同猪仔银芳,las, 仲有我妹妹 她们去玩呢个旋转木马,当时,仲有泡泡放出来,伴随着优美得音乐,觉得好浪漫,我仲记得,我个时有想过,如果我最爱的人在我旁边同我一起骑旋转木马,一定会好幸福者。。。估5到圣诞节就可以实验个个梦想,^.^ 有时候好多野真系估都估不到.估5到我刚翻来美国无耐,就有个男朋友, 仲记得,我地系10月1号开始咖,可能系大佬送个套水晶有效果.粉晶可以增强恋爱运...^.^

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Happy Birthday

I just realized that my birthday is coming. Unbelievable, I am that old now. It is like almost time to do everything alone. Yesterday was my cousin's wedding day. Closed my eyes and thought back in those days, it seems like "yesterday" -- while he was still in high school, and I,as being an elementary school student, started to question him which girl in those pictures was his girlfriend. It was funny that now I am already a college student, and we are so far apart today. However, I wish him and his wife the best from the bottom of my heart.
Time is alwasy flying so fast that you don't even notice when it passed you by. I can't picture myself as being........being... I dunno. maybe a wife? maybe a mother? maybe a grandmother??? emm. It sure seems far... lolz

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


回想起感恩节那天跟阿姨的对话,突然觉得也许真的有那么一天,我会跟他们住在一起,因为在那个家庭里面没有人反对我俩在一起这个事实.今天,他告诉我,他的爸爸妈妈已经谈论过这个问题了.这真的让我觉得很surprise.我不知道他们真的会那么看重我跟他的感情.让我感觉自己好象真的已经跟他们是一家人那样. 感觉好幸福哦.因为有一个和我相爱的人,还有两个疼爱我的家庭...只是,我不知道自己应该怎样去选择,生命总是充满选择..无奈...
其实现在的我,还有什么可求呢?我已经拥有了全世界,不是吗? ^.^

Monday, November 27, 2006

What's going on with me??

What is going on with me?? Why am i being so mean to everyone? It is like I couldn't control my emotions. I really do feel bad. I keep telling myself this is not right; I shouldnt be general and nice. WHY????

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Don't really know what I should say here now. Feeling guilty about a lot of things that I have done. I have a lot to confess about. Please, please forgive me... I did't tell those lies in purposes... Sorry I couldn't help..
Guess I am not an angle any more. I am turing to the evil side. I am being capricious.I am just doing what I want to do, I don't even think about the consequences.
Derriect is right " welcome to the club". It made me feel so bad, so guilt. Even though I am not regret for what I have done yet, but it reminded me of everything I have done so far. Id? Ego? Superego? where am I more stand at?
I think I think too much. Let it be.
Enjoy the thanksgiving ..
Enjoy the Christmas and New year vacation. ^^

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

sociological feelings

Don't you ever feel lost? yes, of course you do. I believe everyone do. I am feeling the same way all the time. Someone told me things will be clear laterly, I do believe it also, but can you just doing nothing to wait till things being clear? No, absolutely not. We got to do something, to make things straight. Right?
I am lost again, why are there so many kinds of people exist in this world? How come everyone is thinking in different ways? Even though when it comes to one same point, why is it always being so many different thoughts? Why is it always being so difficult to make the point clear? Is it because different people saying different things? Or is it just because of my weird thoughts? Who should I believe in? Should I believe in myself or should I believe in what most of the people say? Id, Ego, Superego. which side am I stand at now?
Being a man, means rational; being a woman, means emotional. Unfortunately, I am a woman, I am emotional, but meanwhile, I do think I am rational when the problem comes to some points, the conflict between rational and emotional is always exist.
I couldn't help but wonder, do people think what i am thinking about? Or is it only me stupid enough and silly enough to think about it?
Should I do what my heart wants me to do? Or should I do what the others want me to do? Do I wanna be the girl that I want myself to be? Or do I wanna be the girl what the others want me to be? Why is there always options? Even when it comes to a "self"?
Couldn't help but wonder... Why am I thinking all this?

Saturday, October 28, 2006



Monday, October 23, 2006



Wednesday, October 04, 2006

happy and strong

I think i am changing these days, the way I think, and the way I smile. well, "恋爱中的女人有点神经质" I think it is kinda true though. lol. I will smile when I am walking, I will smile when I am listening to music, I will smile when I am driving, I will smile when I am watching the couples together, I will smile when I am thinking... I just smile all the time ^^
I think I am getting stronger now, I know what I suppose to think and do. I know how I should do when I am being with someone. I just think everything around me is so perfect, I am getting good grade in college, people are friendly to me, people that I am working with now teach me a lot of things, friendship, relationship, social relationship with people, etc.
I believe college is the new start and turning point of my life.
What about you? lol

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

How come???

I did what I said to myself, I did what I asked myeslf to, but how come i am not happy? How come I am feeling blue? I really hope that something is not coming true... I dont care... It must be something wrong, must be someone's fault.
And that someone must to be me, my thoughts, my feelings, and all about me. Perhaps...
Perhaps i am just feeling kinda lost, that's all. Not really a big deal though. Going to bed now, sweet dreams girl ^^ wake up tomorrow moring, and everything will be just wonderful. okie dokie >.< fighting....
I am getting stronger and stronger lo ... ^.^

Sunday, September 17, 2006


September 15 again, here it passed one year, couldnt help but wonder, What have I done is this year, having something in mind, changing my minds, falling in love with ppl, breaking up with ppl, trying to forget, trying to being alone, trying to being happy, trying to say: "nothing is really that important besides study", well, how is it feel when you are trying to lie to yourself? Terrible. I know, girls are sensitive, but I do not think I will be one of them, In my own mind,I think I am intelligent, I think I am able to handle all the stuffs that could be happen on me. I think I am always knowing what to do, maybe there is sometimes that i feel lost, but that is just in a short period while i was messing up my minds, after all, my little brain could hold thousand things: happiness, sadness, people, clothing, money...etc. lolz
September 15, How are you?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

what am i doing?

What am i doing these days? Seems worse than before...There are a lot going on.. a lot of thoughts, a lot of tests, a lot of homework, a lot of... SHXTS...
What am i doing??? GOSH..

Monday, September 11, 2006


爱上她在天与海的交界 没源头用生命交换了双腿
只为走进爱的人身边 一路上毁灭手心就会成永远
不懂双唇不适合妩媚 我没有道别都没有人听见
你的泪我无邪 无数日这个冷漠的世界
失去了一切只为一个能够 付出你真爱的机会
你的泪我无邪 原来感情那么难以寻回
他身边是谁 消失前后不后悔
你不想毁灭相信真爱会永远 不懂专情不适合人类
你最美的梦想泡沫伴随脸 剩童话里留下一页
你的泪我无邪 无数日这个冷漠的世界
失去了一切只为一个能够 付出你真爱的机会
你的泪我无邪 原来感情那么难以寻回
他身边是谁 消失前后不后悔