Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Something Funny ^^

Yesterday, I went to Burger King with Kevin. He was there working in the kitchen, later on the way home, Kevin told me that the way he was looking at me was kinda freakly. hahahahaha. So funny.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Think too much>.<

Yeah, right, I guess I think too much, about that sutpid question. If i keep going, I guess I will be ... dunno, dont care, dont count on it, do nothing, let it go, and let it be the way it should be. I am glad that i am leaving in a week, I do think it is the perfect time to cool things down.^^ good luck to him and to me

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


走了那么远 发现你不在身边
独自走过了什么 自己都不了解
未来的蓝图应该有你 不该只剩叹息
只是偶尔泪流不停 坚强的理由
只是自己骗自己 你眼中的恐惧
说什么都多余 付出的一切值不值得
永远不会有答案 只有天知道我有多么爱你
一颗心属于一个人 在爱情里什么算公平
爱的深也伤的深 是不是催眠了自己
一颗心属于我自己 爱情里找不到公平
而当你最后选择了逃避 我学会不公平

Monday, June 05, 2006


今天无意中搜寻到鹤上一中的网站,发现以前的同学的成功史,银芳竟然拿了全国英文比赛的三等奖.^.^ 好开心啊,都从一张照片上看到猪仔,因为那是个踢毽子比赛,为什么我知道那是猪仔? 哈哈,因为我认得她的鞋子咯.毫无原因的,突然变得好激动哦,一想到我还有一个月就可以见到他们了.我就觉得好好好开心.^^我希望大家都可以超水准发挥,然后考到各自想去的大学.而我呢,我也有自己的奋斗目标了啊.